The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Has a Reboot on Its Way

the league of extraordinary gentlemen reboot

20th Century Fox is delving back into the world of literary crossovers.

While the 2003 film didn’t receive the warmest welcome, that’s not to say it was the fault of the source material. Based on the successful comic book series by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill, the story follows Mina Murray, the main damsel from Dracula, as she’s recruited by the British government to assemble a team of unlikely heroes. These include Allan Quatermain, Captain Nemo, Dr. Jekyll (and by extension, Mr. Hyde) and the Invisible Man. They’re all brought in to help stop a war between Fu Manchu and Professor Moriarty. Later volumes also brought in elements of H. P. Lovecraft stories, as well as H.G. Wells‘ War of the Worlds and George Orwell’s 1984.

This is however not the first time since 2003 there’s been an attempt at assembling the gentlemen, as there were some plans for a TV Show in 2013, but that didn’t even get past the casting process.

The only one attached to the project right now is John Davis, who will be producing. Fox is currently looking for directors willing to helm a potential franchise.

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